Josie Koznarek

Art Direction

Times I have been tasked with the development and execution of the visual aspect of projects, usually in coordination with a team of 6 or more.


Art Direction

Times I have been tasked with the development and execution of the visual aspect of projects, usually in coordination with a team of 6 or more.


Qara’ Shem

Qara' Shem is a traveling art gallery that curates fine art by the Church for the Church.

I was not only Art Director but Event Coordinator, Promotional Relations, Content Creator, Graphic Designer, and Web Designer. To organize this movement, I created and designed a website through Squarespace that features customized coded elements, such as the collapsable menus on the Q&A pages, and the embedded webplayers seen on the 2017 Tour page. I designed the logo by modifying a preexisting font in Adobe Illustrator in order to match the feel of the organization. I wrote all of the written copy on the website in order to thoroughly communicate the spirit of the mission.

After setting up the website as a touchpoint to communicate my vision, I reached out to artists, musicians, and writers, both over email and in person, and curated everyone's artistic works into an art gallery, a compilation album, and a zine, which I also designed for the event.

The gallery toured to 3 different locations over the course of November; The Painted Door Church on November 3; Western Springs Baptist Church November 10; and Moody Bible Institute November 17. Each event was organized by me in cooperation with representatives at their respective locations, and featured food, drinks, and 12 unique pieces of art.

Head over to Print Design to see some examples of spreads found in the zine:


Thin Space Art and Theology Journal


Thin Space is the Art and Theology Journal of Moody Bible Institute.

As the Art Director of the second official volume, titled "Interlude", it was my responsibility to lead three graphic designers, collaborate with the Photography Director to get the images needed for the projects, and use all of these elements to create a cohesive magazine style with the approval of the Creative Director. 

In order to do this, I led weekly design team meetings to discuss each of our designs and go over our deadlines and upcoming goals, and held the designers under me accountable to each of their responsibilities. I also met with the other directors of the Thin Space staff on a weekly basis, where we would schedule our respective deadlines, organize deadline cohesion with the writing team, the business team, and the photography team, and report to the Creative Director on the teams' respective progress. We were also required to work with representatives of the publishing house Hemlock in order to make sure that our end product was created on time and tweaked to perfection.

By doing all of this, we successfully created Thin Space Vol. 2, released to the students of Moody Bible Institute April 2017. 

Head over to Print Design to see some examples of spreads found in the journal.